Moon 2004.01.04


Moon 2004.02.01
Moon 2004.01.04
Moon 2003.12.29
Moon 2003.12.28
Moon 2003.12.06
Moon 2003.12.03
Moon 2003.11.30


Conditions were good enough, I got a few good shots, but I had real problems piecing them together.  Here is a kind of lop-sided/squished result I got.


These were all taken through the QuickCam 4000 and stacked in Registax.

Perhaps the individual frames look better




Observing Dates Sun Moon Saturn Jupiter Learning Seeing Goto Alignment Getting Equipment

Home | Moon 2004.02.01 | Moon 2004.01.04 | Moon 2003.12.29 | Moon 2003.12.28 | Moon 2003.12.06 | Moon 2003.12.03 | Moon 2003.11.30

This site was last updated 03/18/04