Moon 2003.12.29


Moon 2004.02.01
Moon 2004.01.04
Moon 2003.12.29
Moon 2003.12.28
Moon 2003.12.06
Moon 2003.12.03
Moon 2003.11.30


Not a bad day overall here is the stitched image I got from the night observing.  All of these were achieved through stacking images from the QuickCam 4000 WebCam.


This one is stitched together from about 5 images taken with the F3 focal reducer.


Ok, it is pretty big, but worth it I think.

Here is a zoom in at F6, F10 then 3 stitched images at F10.





Observing Dates Sun Moon Saturn Jupiter Learning Seeing Goto Alignment Getting Equipment

Home | Moon 2004.02.01 | Moon 2004.01.04 | Moon 2003.12.29 | Moon 2003.12.28 | Moon 2003.12.06 | Moon 2003.12.03 | Moon 2003.11.30

This site was last updated 03/18/04