09/10/04 |
These are all with a 10" LX200GPS. I spent some time with the WebCam On Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon. (The WebCam is a Toucam 690) I also tried the Digital Rebel (Canon 300D) at various magnifications on the moon. (Focal reducer to F5, Normal at F10 and 2xBarlow at F20)
I like this one of Jupiter with a GRS (Great Red Spot) and 3 moons.
This is with a 2x barlow.
Saturn And with 2x barlow. I am not suer what causes the diagonal grain, but I seem to get in only some images and some dates.
This shot of the moon was taken at around F5 with a focal reducer and processed in ImagePlus. (Click on it for a larger verson.) Another shot at F10 of the south polar region. (Bin4x in ImagePlus) This one at F20 with a 2x barlow. (Bin 4x in ImagePlus)
All of the following were shot with the Webcam and stacked in Registax. This is a combination of 2 images. Prominatnt crater on the Left is Bullialdus and more on the right you can see Straight Wall (Rupis Recta).
Crater Plato at mid bottom. Crater Tycho in upper mid. Tycho with a 2x barlow.
Copernicus with a 2x barlow.
A composite of 3 images
This site was last updated 03/26/04 |